About Mediation In A Divorce Process

Law Blog

If you are going through the process of mediation due to your impending divorce, then it is going to be helpful for you to know more about what mediation entails and some of the things that can be covered in mediation sessions. Here are some of the things that you may be able to work out with your soon-to-be-ex as you utilize mediate divorce services. Child custody arrangements While a divorce may begin amicably, many of them take a turn for the worst once the discussions begin about child custody topics, and understandably so.

9 December 2019

Undoing A Divorce: Can It Be Done?

Law Blog

Most of the time, couples who choose to divorce follow through on the divorce. It is uncommon for couples to decide to cancel the divorce or undo the divorce filing. If you and your partner are currently opting to fix your marriage rather than abandon it, and there are children involved, you can undo the divorce. However, there are several steps that need to be taken before moving forward with not divorcing.

10 November 2019

3 Tips For Nailing The Green Card Marriage Interview


You have met the love of your life and gotten married, but it just so happens that the particular person who you love is not from around here—in fact, they are from a whole other country. Before the United States will allow your spouse to be a legal resident, you will have to pass an interview to get a marriage green card. This green card is specifically for individuals who will only be allowed to live in the United States as a resident because of their marriage.

11 October 2019

Traffic Citation – What Do You Do Now?

Law Blog

Getting a traffic citation isn't anything to worry about for some people – for others, it can mean the end of their driving privileges. How do you minimize the impact that a traffic violation citation will have on your life? Here, you'll find a few tips to help you get through this challenging time as easily and with as few consequences as possible. Your Driving History How many traffic citations have you received in the past?

5 September 2019

4 Ways To Maximize Your Auto Accident Settlement

Law Blog

If you've recently found yourself injured as a result of an auto accident, you may be left with unpaid medical bills, lost wages from being unable to work, and other costs piling up. In a perfect world, the insurance company would cover all of these expenses without batting an eye. Unfortunately, the reality is that the insurance companies don't always "play fair" when it comes to settling after an auto accident.

7 August 2019

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy And Your Apartment Lease

Law Blog

A Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing is designed to protect you against collection efforts being made by your creditors. All debts and assets will be evaluated by a trustee appointed by the bankruptcy court. Many people find themselves wondering what will happen to the apartment they are renting during bankruptcy proceedings. If you are worried about your living situation during a bankruptcy, take the time to learn more about the options you have when it comes to your rental lease agreement.

7 July 2019

Lose The Debt And Keep The Property After A Bankruptcy Is Complete


When you file for bankruptcy, you want to make it count. That means including every single debt on your bankruptcy paperwork. If it's not listed, you cannot be free of it. That being said, the type of debt you have could influence the way bankruptcy deals with it. Read on to find out why some form of debt are treated differently than others. Secured Debts and Unsecured Debts To understand more about what happens to debt during a bankruptcy procedure, you should divide your debt up into two buckets.

30 May 2019

3 Advantages Of Working With A Lawyer Offering Traffic Law Assistance

Law Blog

If you're dealing with a traffic violation that you think is unjust, you may want to fight it. However, you may not know how to go about this or have money for legal assistance. In this case, you can take advantage of lawyers offering traffic law assistance. They can help in the following ways.  1. Provide Case Strength Assessment  Before you pour a bunch of time and resources into fighting a traffic violation, you should first see if you have a good shot of winning.

2 May 2019

Halloween-Related Details That May Impact A Car Accident Case

Law Blog

Being involved in a car accident on Halloween may seem like a major hassle, especially if it has detained you from getting home to help your children prepare to go trick-or-treating. However, when it comes to evaluating whether you should hire an attorney and bring legal action against the at-fault driver, there may be a number of Halloween-specific details that contributed to the accident. Ideally, you'll be able to successfully document these details or recruit witnesses who saw what you saw as they may help your case to go smoothly.

27 March 2019

Tips For Going Through Your Divorce

Law Blog

As you look to go through a divorce, it is important that you learn the ins and outs of managing a case, hiring a divorce attorney and more. This is a part of life that is a hard pill to swallow but failing to manage the divorce can set you back even further than it should otherwise.    In order to put together the best divorce plan, use the following information.

20 February 2019