If you have ever had to attend court in order to prove your innocence, you know how much your appearance and attitude can impact the proceedings. Unfortunately, all too many people misinterpret how they should dress and what they should do in court, which is why I decided to make this blog. This website is all about creating a great impression in court and understanding how to present yourself to the judge and jury. After all, you might be trying to defend your innocence to avoid potential jail time. Check out this blog for great tips that could help you to protect your freedom.
If you are going through the process of mediation due to your impending divorce, then it is going to be helpful for you to know more about what mediation entails and some of the things that can be covered in mediation sessions. Here are some of the things that you may be able to work out with your soon-to-be-ex as you utilize mediate divorce services.
Child custody arrangements
While a divorce may begin amicably, many of them take a turn for the worst once the discussions begin about child custody topics, and understandably so. Both parents normally want what they feel is best for the child and fair for them, and these things often don't coincide with what the other party believes to be the child's best interest and to be fair. When parents aren't happy about something to do with child-related issues, things get very passionate and angry quickly and it can be difficult to get both parties to see eye-to-eye again once all of that anger has been thrown at one another.
Mediation is a great place for both parties to discuss child custody arrangements, hopefully before things have become heated. However, even if things are already upset or they always were, mediation can often calm things down and help both parties to come to an agreement that is a good compromise they will each feel is right and fair.
The things that will need to be determined during this portion of the mediation process include who retains legal custody, who retains physical custody, and what the visitation schedule is. This can be worked out in any manner and a judge will likely approve it if they don't find problems with it, such as a plan that is not in the best interest of the child for some reason.
Distribution of property
Another part of the divorce process that can get messy is when it comes to deciding on the distribution of property. If a couple cannot agree on these things, then the court will and if this happens, then both sides may be very dissatisfied with the final outcome. This is why it's best if things can be compromised on and agreed upon during the mediation. If one person has something they really want and another has something else they really want, then they can both agree to give those things up in exchange for the ones that mean the most to them. If the court decides, they may even end up needing to sell some of the things they wanted to keep and split the money from the sale.
Share9 December 2019