When Your Spouse Wants More Than 50% In The Divorce

Law Blog

The word 'half' can be pretty scary in a divorce for most spouses. 'More than half' can even make you start thinking about how to do foolish things like cooking the books to make your business look less profitable. Do not assume everything will be divided 50/50 if you are getting divorced. If this were possible, most spouses could probably handle their divorces and divorce law specialists would be looking for other jobs.

5 December 2017

Why Retain A Construction Attorney?

Law Blog

Working on homes or commercial buildings as a contractor may be a true source of joy for you if your'e a contractor. From the first brick to the last tile in a bathroom, being able to create something from nothing might fill you with pride. It's possible that you haven't run into problems with those you work with or for, but retaining a construction attorney for those times will allow you to remain happy with your work even when issues arise.

7 November 2017

4 Myths Regarding DUI Cases

Law Blog

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol should never happen. Unfortunately, an estimated 28 people die in motor vehicle crashes involving a driver impaired by alcohol in the United States. These deaths and other injuries can be prevented by not operating a vehicle after having a few drinks or using prescription medications and harder drugs. By understanding the dangerous driving while under the influence, you can help save lives. Here are a few common myths associated with DUI charges that you should learn the truth about.

9 October 2017

Advocating For Your Child In Special Education In Private School: What You Should Know

Law Blog

When you have enrolled your child in a private school, you likely have a great many expectations for how your child will be treated and educated. If it turns out that your child has some learning disabilities or other issues in the classroom that require them to take part in a special education program, you might also find yourself constantly wondering whether or not your child is getting all of the help and services that they need in order to be successful in school.

21 February 2017

How Litigation Works With Business Problems

Law Blog

Running a business can be a tiresome job, especially if you run into a big conflict with another company. If you are in the middle of a major conflict with another company and cannot seem to resolve it on your own, you may want to hire a litigation lawyer for help. Litigation is the process of resolving issues between two parties, and here are several things to expect from the process.

27 January 2017

Getting Benefits Faster: Social Security And Quicker Approvals

Law Blog

Being unable to work because of a serious medical condition can seem especially cruel; not only are you sick and suffering, but you are also likely in some financial difficulties because of being out of work. The normal approval process for Social Security disability can take many long months, but if your medical conditions falls into one of the below categories, you can expect to get a much quicker approval. To learn more about these programs, read on.

12 January 2017

Keys To Dealing With A Brain Injury

Law Blog

When you need to be sure that you get the medical care, legal help, and support that will be needed after a traumatic brain injury, there are a few things you must know. Brain injuries have been a big topic of discussion in recent years, due to the fact that scientists are beginning to learn how concussions and CTE have long term effects on peoples' lives. No matter what sort of brain injury you have suffered, you will need to put these thoughts below to good use and reach out to the help of quality professionals who can take on your case.

4 January 2017