When some people decide that they wish to file for divorce, they might be concerned about the cost of doing so. People can frequently change their minds about many things in life because of not wanting to spend money, but divorce shouldn't be one of them. If you feel as though the best solution for you is to end your marriage, you should strive to make this goal a reality — even if you have to work out a payment plan with your divorce attorney.
5 December 2018
If you're attending college or graduate school in the U.S., you may be planning to remain in the States after graduation by applying for an H-1B visa. This visa allows non-citizens to live and work in the U.S. as long as they fulfill a few discrete requirements—namely, that they have certain unusual or in-demand skills that can't readily be found within the pool of citizen workers. In the past, students have applied for H-1B visas shortly before graduation and have then begun their professional careers in the U.
24 October 2018
Estate planning can be difficult if you do not know what you are doing. It is important, however, as you do not want your valuables and precious things to get into the wrong hands. If you have nothing in place a judge will determine who gets your items, land, etc. Estate planning will prevent all this from happening as you arrange where you want your assets to go while you are still alive.
19 September 2018
You may have heard of people suing hospitals for medical malpractice, but you could be wondering why this happens. Of course, every case is different, but these are a few examples of situations in which a person might sue a hospital for medical malpractice. 1. Failing to Do Due Diligence When Hiring Staff Members For one thing, hospitals have a responsibility to make sure that the people who they are hiring for positions within their facility are qualified for the job.
9 August 2018
As a teenager, you may feel that you have had enough of your parents. A friend tells you that you can "divorce" your parents and never have to do what your parents say ever again. While this is partially true, it is not the entire truth. Divorcing your parents is a real thing, but as any divorce lawyer will tell you, this legal process is not as easy as you think.
11 July 2018
The last thing you'll want to do is get in a dangerous vehicle situation. However, this is possible to happen if you purchase a vehicle that turns out to be a lemon. This means there are many issues with your new or used automobile that you weren't aware of when you bought it. This can make your life extremely stressful, and it's ideal to know specific tips that will allow you to avoid doing so.
9 June 2018
When you have a large construction project, you have a good deal of money involved. Having something go wrong can end up costing you even more money. Also, you may end up with a lawsuit. While it is possible, and even common, for construction jobs to get to completion without a problem, there may be a time when you need the help of a construction lawyer. Here are a few situations when it would be wise to have a legal representative.
6 April 2018
Filing an auto accident lawsuit is always in your best interests when you have been injured in a car or truck accident. However, no lawsuit is perfect. There are a few instances where you may lose your auto accident case. To be sure, these instances are rather unusual, but they are noteworthy. You will want to compare your case to the following instances to make sure your case does not resemble any of them.
6 April 2018
To make certain that your business is protected, it all begins with finding what you need from a legal standpoint. Every business has legal needs that they need to stay on top of, and this means matching up with commercial lawyers that are skilled and always on top of their game. To make sure that you are able to get the help of commercial litigation attorneys that have your best interest in mind, you will need to figure out the best ways to match up with these firms, while also managing your own legal needs.
6 March 2018
Protecting workers against the costs that can be involved with workplace injuries is the role of worker's compensation insurance policies. Unfortunately, the workers that are protected by these policies may fail to fully understand this type of protection. In order to help you with protecting yourself against the costs of these incidents, there are some misleading myths that should be corrected. Myth: Worker's Compensation Only Provides Coverage For Medical Costs
5 February 2018