To Vaccinate Or Not To Vaccinate? What Legal Consequences Can Arise If You Don't Vaccinate Your Child?

Law Blog

Parents in the U.S. enjoy a lot of freedom when it comes to how they raise their children. However, there is one parenting trend that is starting to see a legal backlash: the anti-vaccination movement. If you decide not to vaccinate your child, can you end up in legal trouble? Absolutely. In fact, you can find yourself at risk of losing custody of your children or facing criminal charges. This is what you need to know before you make that decision.

22 December 2015

The 1031 Trade: Understand The Rules Of Commercial Property Transfer For Tax Deferral


Rather than selling your commercial property outright, you may be considering a 1031 tax-deferred exchange of properties. This strategy can increase the amount you may subsequently borrow and also relieve you of the immediate burden of state and federal taxes you would be required to pay from selling outright. Just be sure you handle the exchange with care from the start: Make certain that both properties qualify for trades. The 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange program only applies to properties that are used for trade, business or investment in some way.

7 December 2015

2 Tips For Selling Your Home When It Is In Pre-Foreclosure

Law Blog

If you miss a number of monthly payments on your home, then your lender will eventually attempt to foreclose on the home and take it back from you. Before your home goes through foreclosure, your lender will put it in pre-foreclosure. This usually means that you have defaulted on your home and the lender is in the process of taking your home from you. During pre-foreclosure, you still have the chance to stop the foreclosure process.

18 November 2015

3 Tips When Dealing With A Personal Injury Claim


Injuries happen all the time. You never know when or where something might happen. Regardless of whether you were at work or at the grocery store, a personal injury isn't something you should take lightly. You need to make sure you get the medical treatment you deserve and are fairly compensated for your injuries. Unfortunately, many people end up making a couple costly mistakes in their injury case and short themselves on their settlement amount.

1 November 2015

How To Tell That A Plea Bargain Is Right For You

Law Blog

A plea bargain is an arrangement you make with a prosecutor so that you accept a reduced charge and get a more lenient sentence. A plea bargain offer may look attractive, but you shouldn't accept it without careful analysis. In particular, ask yourself these three questions and use your answers to make a decision: Have You Talked to the Attorney? You should never get involved in a plea bargain process without your lawyer's input.

14 October 2015

Family Mediation: Starting A New Life With A Happy Medium

Law Blog

The legal aspects of dissolving a marriage include dividing finances and assets, and determining custody and child support of the children. When you are already emotionally distraught, because of the end of your marriage, the legal portion of getting a divorce can become volatile. Even if you think everything is going to go smoothly, with you and your soon-to-be ex agreeing on everything, it is a good idea to go to family mediation.

30 September 2015

Why You May Need A Lawyer For A Small Claims Court

Law Blog

Many people handle lawsuits in small claims courts without legal representation. This may not be bad, but there are cases where it is best to hire an attorney. Here are three examples of situations that call for the assistance of a professional lawyer: 1. The Defendant Is a Business Entity You may not need a lawyer if you will be facing your neighbor (for example, for damaging your fence) in court, but you need one if you are suing a business or a corporation such as a local gym or an auto garage franchise.

10 September 2015

What Happens To Your Workers Comp Payments If Your Employer Goes Bankrupt?

Law Blog

If you're currently receiving workers compensation benefits while recovering at home from an injury suffered in the workplace, you likely still keep up with the goings-on of your office. You may be surprised and dismayed to learn that your employer is on shaky financial footing and could be considering a reorganization through Chapter 11 bankruptcy. What happens to your workers comp benefits if your employer goes bankrupt? Is there anything you can do to preserve your benefits if you suspect a bankruptcy filing is in your employer's future?

20 August 2015

What's A Marital Tort (And Should You Consider One)?

Law Blog

Some people divorce because they simply fall out of love or don't get along. Some people divorce because their spouses have done some really terrible things to them. If you've been victimized in some way by your soon-to-be-ex, you may have the ability to file a marital tort and recover damages that go beyond what you will receive as your fair share of the assets in a divorce. This is what you should know.

6 August 2015

Pregnancy: The Little-Known Disability

Law Blog

You read the title correctly. Pregnancy is a disability, at least as it is defined by private disability insurance and short-term disability laws. If this is the first time that you are working and pregnant, you may not have heard about short-term disability claims and pregnancy. In fact, most of the population (those that are unmarried males or non-pregnant females) are unaware that pregnancy is considered a "disabling condition." Here is what you need to know about your own pregnancy and disability insurance claims.

23 July 2015