Drunk Driving: What A DUI Attorney Can Do To Assist When You Are Guilty

Law Blog

You have the responsibility as a vehicle owner to not get behind the wheel if you are under the influence of alcohol. If you caused an accident that injured someone after driving drunk, you need an attorney to help come up with a defense that is good enough for a lighter sentence. Below, discover what a DUI attorney can do when you are a guilty drunk driver and the expected cost for his or her services.

18 December 2014

How A Family Lawyer Can Help You End An Abusive Marriage & Obtain Alimony Payments

Law Blog

Staying in an abusive marriage because you are afraid to leave is not a good idea. You can hire a lawyer to help you get through a divorce in a safe manner, and may also qualify for alimony payments if you need financial help. In this article, you will discover the help a family lawyer can provide for ending an abusive marriage and obtaining alimony payments. How Can a Family Lawyer Help to End an Abusive Marriage?

15 December 2014

Measures To Help You Prevent Parental Child Abduction During Divorce

Law Blog

What do you do if you are afraid that your partner may run away with your child? This usually happens for parents going through divorce. If you don't have concrete proof that he or she is actually planning the abduction, then you can't involve the authorities. However, there are measures you can take to allay your fears. Begin the Custody Process Promptly The first thing you should do is to begin the custody process.

12 December 2014