Creating A Great Impression In Court

If you have ever had to attend court in order to prove your innocence, you know how much your appearance and attitude can impact the proceedings. Unfortunately, all too many people misinterpret how they should dress and what they should do in court, which is why I decided to make this blog. This website is all about creating a great impression in court and understanding how to present yourself to the judge and jury. After all, you might be trying to defend your innocence to avoid potential jail time. Check out this blog for great tips that could help you to protect your freedom.

Hit By A Drunk Driver? Know Who Is Responsible

Law Blog

Being in a wreck caused by a drunk driver could put your life in a tailspin. While all drivers can be careless, drunk drivers that cause accidents may also be negligent and that rises to a new level of personal injury. It's also important to find out who else could be responsible for the accident along with the drunk driver. Read on to learn more about that and also about a special type of damages awarded to those in this situation.

Fault and Drunk Driving Accidents

After an accident, the first question many victims are asked is for details regarding the accident. The driver causing an accident is responsible for paying the victim's damages and those can include everything from medical bills and lost wages to pain and suffering. If you have been hit by a drunk driver, chances are they will be ruled to be at fault for the accident. Drunk drivers can be identified at the scene by the responding law enforcement and emergency workers by their breath, their speech, and the presence of empty liquor containers. Drunk drivers may be arrested at the scene or later on but a blood test can confirm the presence of alcohol. Let your personal injury lawyer know if you suspect your accident involved an impaired driver.

Other Responsible Parties

Unfortunately, party hosts, bar personnel, and others may also be responsible for a drunk driver being allowed to drive. State law varies in regard to how this situation is treated as far as criminal matters go, but you can also file a personal injury case against anyone that failed to take action to stop someone from driving drunk. Criminal charges are not necessary for you to be paid by the party responsible for providing liquor to the drunk driver.

More Damages

Punitive damages are a category of compensation that is not always included in a lawsuit. However, this level of damage may be appropriate for instances in which an example needs to be made for the sake of the public in general. Drunk drivers causing accidents and the people that allowed that to happen may allow for such a case. Punitive damages can add thousands of dollars to a victim's compensation on top of the usual things like medical expenses, lost wages, and more.

If you have been hurt by a drunk driver who should not have been on the road, speak to a personal injury lawyer in your area, such as Buckley  Law Office, about your case right away. They will do everything possible to seek out contributing parties and hold them financially responsible for the harm that was caused. 


26 July 2021