If you have ever had to attend court in order to prove your innocence, you know how much your appearance and attitude can impact the proceedings. Unfortunately, all too many people misinterpret how they should dress and what they should do in court, which is why I decided to make this blog. This website is all about creating a great impression in court and understanding how to present yourself to the judge and jury. After all, you might be trying to defend your innocence to avoid potential jail time. Check out this blog for great tips that could help you to protect your freedom.
More lawyers are turning to jury selection services prior to trying a jury where the stakes are high, such as murder trials or high-dollar personal injury cases. However, "jury selection services" is not a term that many people are familiar with. If you or a family member are taking a case to trial, and the lawyer is recommending using a jury selection prior to the trial, you may have many questions. Here are some of the questions you may have as well as the answers.
What Is the Goal of Jury Selection Services?
The goal of a jury selection service is to help a defense attorney determine what types of jurors they should be looking for as they seat a jury. A jury selection service ultimately characterizes people by their demographics, determining which demographic will provide a favorable outcome to your trial and which demographic of juror is more likely to provide an unsatisfactory outcome for your trial. Some of the demographics that are used include race, gender, sexual preference, age, income, and job type.
How Do Jury Selection Services Determine Good Versus Bad Jury Characteristics?
A jury selection service does different things to help determine demographic information that may provide you with the best possible outcome for your case. They may send out surveys to people and ask them how they feel about certain topics that may be prevalent in your case, or they may even seat a mock jury, present your basic case to those mock jurors, and ask them to determine a verdict based on what the information they are presented with. The jury selection service then groups together those who gave a guilty verdict and sees what demographic information they have in common and what demographic information those who gave a good outcome have to determine what demographic information your attorney should look for when seating jurors for your case.
What Are the Benefits of Jury Selection Services?
When a case goes to trial, an attorney typically only gets one shot at trying your case. As such, they want to do everything they can to produce the best possible verdict for you, their client. A jury selection service can help your attorney increase their chances of getting you the outcome that you desire.
If a lawyer is recommending that a jury selection service be used, they are looking to determine what types of jurors they should be looking to seat as jurors for your trial. A jury selection service can help them determine what demographic is ideal for your case and what types of jurors may give them a favorable outcome.
Share8 January 2020