If you have ever had to attend court in order to prove your innocence, you know how much your appearance and attitude can impact the proceedings. Unfortunately, all too many people misinterpret how they should dress and what they should do in court, which is why I decided to make this blog. This website is all about creating a great impression in court and understanding how to present yourself to the judge and jury. After all, you might be trying to defend your innocence to avoid potential jail time. Check out this blog for great tips that could help you to protect your freedom.
Keyless ignitions have been stated to be the next big thing in car driving. They make it possible for drivers to get the engine started to heat up/cool down a vehicle before they even get in. However, there are dangers posed to drivers, and they may be a silent killer in your garage. Here's all you need to know about keyless ignitions and their potential dangers.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Issues for Drivers
So far, 13 deaths have been attributed to keyless ignitions due to carbon monoxide levels. One of those cases was of a respected professor, who believed that the car would turn off automatically, since it started without the need for a key.
The engines don't shut off automatically, and the poisonous gas is let off into the air. The carbon monoxide, which is a silent killer, odorless and colorless gas, needs to go somewhere. When in a garage, it will travel through cracks in doors and into adjoining homes.
Hybrid Cars Are the Worst
You may hear that a gasoline or diesel engine is still running. This could alert you to an issue before the gas has time to spread. There is a serious problem with hybrid vehicles. They can be almost silent, making drivers believe that the engine has turned off when they removed the key. In most cases, the cars are still running idle. This leads to the same problem as mentioned above.
Safety Regulations Still to Be Implemented
Because of the dangers imposed by the keyless ignitions, safety regulations have been developed. Despite five years passing, the regulations are still to be implemented, putting more drivers than necessary at risk. In fact, manufacturers have argued that it is up to the drivers to know their cars by reading the manuals.
There have been proposals put forward for manufacturers to set alarms to cars. They will go off when drivers have accidentally or intentionally left their car running after removing the fob, working similarly to seatbelt and light alarms. Manufacturers have said that the alarms will interrupt with the driving experience.
A class-action lawsuit has been filed against 10 auto manufacturers linked to the deaths caused by the keyless ignitions. Consumers argue that companies are failing to warn drivers of the deadly side to the vehicles, promoting only the benefits. The manufacturers have a duty to alert drivers.
If you have a keyless ignition, you need to be aware of the deadly downside to the vehicles. Those who believe they have been lied to about the vehicles or not been warned of the downside can hire a liability insurance or car accident lawyer to find out if there is a case.
Share2 August 2016