If you have ever had to attend court in order to prove your innocence, you know how much your appearance and attitude can impact the proceedings. Unfortunately, all too many people misinterpret how they should dress and what they should do in court, which is why I decided to make this blog. This website is all about creating a great impression in court and understanding how to present yourself to the judge and jury. After all, you might be trying to defend your innocence to avoid potential jail time. Check out this blog for great tips that could help you to protect your freedom.
Staying in an abusive marriage because you are afraid to leave is not a good idea. You can hire a lawyer to help you get through a divorce in a safe manner, and may also qualify for alimony payments if you need financial help. In this article, you will discover the help a family lawyer can provide for ending an abusive marriage and obtaining alimony payments.
How Can a Family Lawyer Help to End an Abusive Marriage?
The first thing a family lawyer from a firm like Law Office of Alan L Ruder will do is determine if your abusive spouse is willing to sign the divorce papers, as it can make the process easier when both of you are in agreement. However, you don't have to ask your spouse to sign the papers if you are fearful of what might happen. A lawyer can draft up the divorce papers and file them without the signature of your spouse.
Your abusive spouse will find out that you have filed for a divorce because after the documents are filed at the courthouse, he or she will be notified about it. You may be able to get an emergency restraining order against your abusive spouse so you can live without fear as the divorce process moves along. Obtaining an emergency restraining order will require evidence of abuse, so your lawyer may ask you for medical and police reports. Witnesses to the abuse may also be needed for a restraining order.
How Can a Family Lawyer Help with Obtaining Alimony Payments?
Before a family lawyer can help you obtain alimony payments from your abusive spouse, it is vital to prove that you were supported financially by him or her throughout the marriage. The extent of time that you were without a job will also be considered for alimony, and it is at the discretion of the judge overseeing the divorce case. Keep in mind that you may not be able to receive alimony payments if you and your spouse have not been married that long. Alimony payments can begin before the divorce is final if you qualify, but may be adjusted in the end.
Show your abusive spouse that your life is more valuable than having to live in fear each day. Take the steps to get out of the marriage so you can begin to live again. Hire a family lawyer to help you finalize a divorce and get alimony payments until you can comfortably support yourself!
Share15 December 2014